5 Time Hacks to Make More Art

Do you find yourself constantly wishing for more time to indulge in your passion for art? Whether you’re juggling school, a full-time job, or enjoying retirement, carving out time for creative expression can feel like a huge challenge. But fear not! In this article, we’ll explore actionable strategies to help you reclaim your time and immerse yourself in the world of painting like never before.

First, why should you prioritize making art a regular part of your routine? Well, aside from the sheer joy and satisfaction it brings, engaging in creative activities has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits. Dr. Michael Yogman, a pediatrician based in Boston, even prescribes art and play to his young patients as a means of combating stress, anxiety, and loneliness. Who doesn’t want less stress in their lives? With that in mind, let’s dive into some practical tips to help you make more time for painting.

Track Your Time

Take a week to meticulously track how you spend your time. From cooking and cleaning to scrolling through social media and binge-watching TV shows, jot down every activity. Reflect on where you could potentially reclaim wasted time and dedicate those newfound hours to your art.

Think of tracking your daily activities like keeping a food diary, but for your time instead of your meals. It’s a way to shine a light on how you spend each precious hour of your day. By jotting down your activities, you can spot patterns, identify time-wasting habits, and figure out where you can make positive changes to prioritize what matters most to you.

Schedule Your Art Sessions

Treat your art practice with the same level of importance as you would any other commitment. Block out dedicated time slots in your calendar specifically reserved for painting. Alternatively, consider scheduling art-related activities with friends, such as attending gallery exhibitions or embarking on creative collaborations. According to a study led by British psychobiologist Daisy Fancourt, individuals who engage in cultural activities on a weekly basis report higher levels of life satisfaction. So, creating and appreciating art can actually boost your overall satisfaction with life. When you think about it like that, isn’t it worth carving out some time in your busy schedule?

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

Consider tweaking your bedtime routine by either going to bed 30 minutes earlier or staying up a bit later. Use this extra time to immerse yourself in your creative endeavors. Set alarms on your phone to remind yourself of your new bedtime and wake-up time, and stick to them consistently until they become ingrained habits. Research suggests that it usually takes around 60 days to turn a new behavior into a habit. So, do your best to stick with your new routine for a few months until it becomes second nature.

Work in a Sketchbook

Using a sketchbook can be a lifesaver for anyone who struggles to find enough time to paint. Here’s why it’s such a game-changer:

First off, it’s really easy to get started—all you need are some dry media materials like pencils, charcoal, pastels, or markers No need to set up a big painting station or worry about putting on special art clothes. Just grab your sketchbook and go! While you can certainly experiment with wet media like acrylics, watercolors, or in, it’s essential to select a multi-media sketchbook specifically engineered to withstand such materials without getting wrinkled and buckled paper.

Another benefit of working in a sketchbook is having all your ideas in one place. You can jot down sketches, doodles, and notes, and easily refer back to them whenever inspiration strikes for a larger piece. And let’s not forget about the convenience factor—working in a sketchbook is quick, easy, and usually doesn’t require a lot of cleanup. This allows you to dive into your creative zone without any hassle.

Swap TV Time for Art Time

We all have our favorite TV shows that we look forward to unwinding with after a long day. However, consider sacrificing just one hour of TV time each week and redirecting it towards painting instead. Research conducted by Girija Kaimal at Drexel University suggests that engaging in art-making for as little as 45 minutes can significantly reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels. That’s enough evidence to convince me to create more!

Plus, making art in the evenings is a screen-free way to unwind, which is important for promoting better sleep. So, instead of scrolling through your phone or watching TV before hitting the hay, try spending time doodling in your sketchbook or adding some details to your most recent painting. Your mind will thank you for the break from screens, and you’ll drift off to sleep feeling more centered and relaxed.


By implementing these time-management strategies, you’ll soon find yourself effortlessly weaving painting into the fabric of your daily life. Remember, prioritizing your creative pursuits isn’t just a luxury—it’s an essential component of holistic well-being. So go ahead, seize the day, and let your imagination run wild on the canvas!


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I am an artist out of Santa Fe, New Mexico who has been painting for almost 30 years. I love to teach first-timers as well as experienced painters who need a creative reboot. My work has been displayed in several galleries around the country, and I have a Bachelor’s in Art History, a Master’s in Art Education, and had my work in a show juried by Judy Chicago. The idea of getting more people painting makes me light up as I want to inspire more people to express their creative selves.

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