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  • 5 proven strategies for crafting strong and compelling artwork.
  • How to tackle the challenges of abstract painting with ease.
  • Learn about unique painting tools to give your art an unmatched edge.
  • Unveil techniques to add visual drama and captivate your audience.
  • Unlock mindset hacks essential for crafting truly unique abstracts.
  • What to do if you don't feel qualified or confident enough to paint and are always waiting for the "right time."
  • 1-hour informational training session to make abstract painting easier with practical tips to enhance your artwork.
  • Discover techniques used by an artist with 30 years of experience and who has exhibited and sold her work across the U.S. and Mexico.

What You Will Learn

The Details

Andrea Cermanski is a respected artist and abstract painting teacher in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is dedicated to helping students discover their creative voice through a proven method based on the fundamental principles of art. Cermanski believes that artists do their best work when they feel supported, inspired, and have a variety of techniques and tools at their disposal.

As the founder of Santa Fe Painting Workshops, Cermanski aims to inspire more people to paint for the benefits it brings to the mind and creative spirit, and as a potential career. Her main goal is to empower anyone interested in painting, helping them realize that creating art is something they can achieve.

andrea cermanski

About your instructor

Let me help you simplify abstract painting today!

"Andrea is a phenomenal teacher who has a gift to teach the technical aspects of painting and encourage you to find your own voice as an artist."
-Kat Winegar

"I now look at paintings…mine and others…in a new way. Too many art classes simply teach/reflect the style of the teacher in place of core principles and encouragement to craft one’s own style."
-Jan Patterson

"I have no idea how to start an abstract. And when I do, I just get a jumbled mess of muddy colors."

I hear that! Knowing how to start an abstract is perhaps the hardest part of the process. And avoiding muddy colors is easy once you understand a few principles about color theory.

"I didn't go to art school; who am I to paint?"
Ouch. I hear this one all the time.  You don't need to go to art school to paint well! I started as a self-taught artist, and have lots of ideas in my pocket for how to help. 

"I'm a representational painter and I have NO idea how to loosen up and express my own voice. HELP!"
Many of us started as representational painters, so you are not alone!  I can help you figure out how to move beyond precise painting to enter the limitless freedom of abstraction.


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